
Passion 3000: Enough (Already)

If anyone is tight with the Passion crew I'd like to send a few messages their way:

To Gigolo: Enough already. How many albums and EPs and messages can you put out in a year? Somewhere early on in this whole thing you mentioned that you guys were just here to facilitate a worship revolution. Somewhere not long after that you announced at a conference that you felt that had happened and you were done. Somewhere not long after that I guess you forgot you said that and thought what you said was that you guys were here to set up a rock and roll show, artist/worshipper (or artist worshipping, I'm not sure which) kingdom. I liked the first idea better. And one more thing. Try to avoid blatantly contradicting yourself. If you're going to mouthe off about being all about God, try emphasizing that a little bit more. Or in simpler terms, don't name your tour, "The Passion Experience."

To Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie Hall: "Suddenly I feel you're leading me" in the same old repetitive songs you've been writing for the last 5 years. Anyone can write a song that says the same thing over and over (and over and over and over), and I think the Bible says something about meaningless repetition. You were good once, but you have forsaken Joel's Window.

To Tom Tom: You're short. Nonetheless, somehow that doesn't prevent you from writing good worship tunes. Let me know how all those trophies work out for you in heaven. Also, please be sure to let me know next time you plan to call "all the crazies in the house down to the praise pit." I'll be sure to be somewhere else that night.

To "Da Crowdster": You're really creative. Most of the time. However, you have a bad habit of recording one or two bad songs on each album. Let's work on that, OK? Oh, and this whole Passion scene's really holding you down. You ought to break off and do your own thing. Imagine: all the smoke and lights and screaming girls and... Wait. Nevermind.

To the Brit: You're getting played, man. They're using you for your writing. On average you get, what, one song per album to the three or more everyone else gets?

To Johnny P.: Why, when you live in the ghetto of Minneapolis, driving the same old jallopy you've been driving for the last 20 years, are you still hanging around these hooligans?

To the Board of Directors (if there is one): It's time to get back to the heart of (artist) worship. All the lights and smoke and stuff are making it hard for me to tell what kind of jeans Tomlin's wearing.

And finally, to you, the reader: Only you can prevent Passion buyers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little harsh but at least moderately accurate. I think Louie is allowed to change his mind (possibly after getting wise council), but I will admit that to release 8000 media products in one year is playing the market. Kind of reminds me of Apple's iPod marketing, when you get one, it is an old model within 6 months. I still think John Piper is exposed to a valuable audience when given a platform at Passion, I don't think he would do it if he didn't want to. Regarding the Passion Experience: everyone wants an experience nowadays. Be it a music-induced high, the feeling of being part of a group, or the feeling of comfort in faith. Experience rules the day and truth has been thrown rudely in the back seat. The result is that we now have no way at all to validate our experiences, they may be and LSD trip or a passion concert or a self-induced spiritual pep talk. The Charlie Hall assessement will REPEATEDLY be accurate. I think his last name must have a HUGE ECHO. I think Tomlin does write some good songs and if he becomes popular, so be it. I don't think his personality (from what little I know about it) is to becoming but I don't know. I don't know what to think about Crowder. I know that when the organist/music director at PCPC was talking in the new members class about worship, he said that applause made him uncomfortable. He would sure be uncomfortable at a passion concert.

4/20/2006 8:31 AM  
Blogger Abbey said...

Hey! Sorry, this isn't a comment on your blog. I don't even know what Passion 3000 is. I just wanted to get in touch! How are you?? Please email me at astone@gaylordhotels.com so we can chat!

4/21/2006 8:56 AM  

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