
Bad Ass Boys, Drive Dumb Ass Toys

I saw a sticker similar to this on the way home from class today. It was on the back of a Dodge Ram. The only difference was that the ram head on the sticker I saw was colored like the Confederate flag. I've seen this sticker on campus here at Conservative U once before. My reaction then was the same as it was today. "What a SHITHEAD! I think I might throw a rock through that window. Yeah. That's a great idea." Luckily, neither time have I actually shattered the window, but damn it, I sure wanted to.

Look. I'm by no means an expert on global warming nor am an environmental saint with my 8 year old SUV that slowly leaks oil constantly. I'm working on it though. I tend to be somewhat compassionate on the big truck driving folks around our lovely community and university. My roommate is not so compassionate on them. It's quite funny. Last Earth Day he and I were sitting outside at Terazzo's here in town having some wine with some friends. Every time one of the countless barely street-legal monster trucks drove by Ian yelled, "Happy Earth Day!" or "Why don't you drive your big ass truck off a big ass cliff, you ----face." or some equivalent. OK. I made the second one up. Actually, it was similar to what I wanted to yell at Mr. Haulin' Ass today. That poor guy must have a tiny -----.


Blogger ICN said...

a) i definetely did not say quote #2

b) who exactly has access to this blog because with a post like that it really needs to have nsfw in the title.

3) is it weird you are a few feet from me yet i am posting this on your blog?

2/20/2007 9:20 PM  

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